Four arms


Four Arm is a Tetramand (tetra meaning “four” in mandbeing “arms” in Latin) from the desert planet Khoros. Khoros epitomizes a dystopia, resulting in the strength-oriented Tetramands. Fourarms is the most used alien in the series, since it is the form that most suits Ben’s fighting style: blindly rushing at the enemy with little forethought. Ben first transformed into Fourarms in “Washington B.C.” when he needed to fight the giant mammoth that Dr. Animo had reanimated.

Fourarms is a ten-foot tall, four-armed, four-eyed powerhouse with armored skin and extremely dense musculature, making him unmatched in pure physical strength. His strength is such that he can create shockwaves simply by pounding the ground or clapping all four of his hands together, dubbed the “Big Smack”, and his leg strength allows him to cross entire city blocks in a single jump. However, all the extra mass of his muscles and heavy skin makes Fourarms relatively slow, and his size likewise makes using things designed for smaller species difficult.

Power: Super Strong, 4 Arms

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